As teenagers grow to young adulthood, who are their role models? Who do they emulate? Why?

Substantial studies recognize that humans learn through modeling others. As these experiences accumulate through adolescence, teens decide what socially acceptable behavior is and what is not. They also learn strategies for achieving their goals, or not.
Living Her Legacy's mission and vision is to reach this underserved population, provide the students an encouraging environment to flourish through small class sizes, customized curriculum, and introduction to positive role models.

Living Her Legacy partners with schools and youth organizations supporting underserved girls ages 16 to 19 and teen moms, including alternative high schools. Participation is open to all high school students in Northern Colorado. Each "Girl Leaders" program has a maximum of ten students and requires an application that includes a participation commitment.
The nine-and-a-half month curriculum follows the school year calendar and is taught on Monday nights. Our curriculum includes project-based content that teaches essential 21st Century Skills, including:
Career discussions
Essential skills (post-secondary/workforce readiness)
Creative problem solving
Civic engagement
College course scholarships
Communication skills
Financial skills
Internship opportunities
Personal development - character development
Work ethic
Thirty-hour internship (with a women business owner or professional women in a field of interest)
Required class reading (How Remarkable Women Lead by Barsh and Cranston and The Confidence Code for Girls by Kay and Shipman)
Service project
Successful female speakers

The program includes field trips, internship opportunities, scholarships and local female speakers.
Program Facilitator and Coordinator
Patti Smith, R.N., Living Her Legacy Founder/Executive Director, has over thirty years' experience working with high school students. Patti taught high school students at Front Range Community College / Larimer Campus (xxxx - xxxx) as the Medical Preparation Program Coordinator / Facilitator. She also has tewnty years' experience as a business owner - as a Health Education Consultant facilitating new programs for high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in Colorado school districts.

OtterCares Philanthropy curriculum, Junior Achievement professional speakers,, START Leadership, and professional women in our community.

Upon successful completion of the curriculum and the thirty-hour internship, each student will qualify for a $300 scholarship for their first college class. Funds are paid directly to the college.
Applications are due by August 15 of each year. Click below for application and waivers